Now the point in what we are saying is this: we have such a hight priest, one who is seated at the right hand of the throne in Majesty in heaven,” -Hebrews 8:1

Today’s post in our Gospel Jump-start Series focuses on the encouragement we have in knowing the ascended Christ sits at the Father’s right hand on our behalf. J.I. Packer said the following of this truth:

It is truly said that our Lord’s presence and life in heaven as the enthroned priest-king, our propitiation, so to speak, in person, is itself his intercession: just for him to be there guarantees all grace to us, and glory too. (Affirming the Apostles Creed, pg. 101)

Theologian Michael Reeves wrote:

I have a high priest who has atoned for me, and who on that basis prays for me with total assurance. When I am faithless, he is faithful; when I am weak, he is strong; and when I can’t even pray, he ‘is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us’ (Romans 8:34). Indeed, he lives to make intercession for us (Hebrews 7:25)! (Christ Our Life, pg. 66)

Let me end with this from Tim Chester:

Diplomats and reporters sometimes talk about ‘our man in Washington’…For Christians Jesus is ‘our man in heaven’. He is there for us and on our behalf. He is our representative in heaven, securing our salvation by His presence. –Tim Chester (The Ascension, pg. 10)

As you begin this week, preach the Gospel to yourself and be reminded of Christ in heaven who speaks a better word for us in the presence of the Father and who also intercedes on our behalf.

“…by grace you have been saved—and raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus,” –Ephesians 2:5b-6

Written by Matt Baker