During the sermon on Genesis 29:31-30:24 this morning, Pastor Ken exhorted us to find our identity in Christ, and Him alone. He displayed from the text how we are continually tempted to find our identity in various idols. One of the helps Pastor Ken offered in doing heart evaluation is the four root idols of comfort, approval, control, and power from Eric Geiger. We thought it would be helpful for everyone to dive a little deeper into these root idols than what the sermon would allow.

While there are many surface idols, it’s helpful to think about these root idols. When we can identify them in our lives we can see how these root idols bud and bear the bitter fruit of a variety of sins. Over the years several pastors, like Geiger, have offered beneficial thoughts on these root idols. Here is an unpacking of these four root idols designed to help you probe a little deeper into your heart and see where these idols may be hiding and manifesting. (The following breakdown of these root idols comes primarily from Tim Keller’s Understanding Your Heart handout. I have slightly tweaked some words and added some supplemental sentences.)

  • Comfort (privacy, lack of stress, and freedom)

    • The price you are willing to pay: Reduced Productivity

    • Greatest fear: Stress and Demands

    • People around you often feel: Neglected/Hurt

      • Your ultimate quest for comfort causes you to neglect relationships and responsibilities. Your primary focus is you!

    • Your problem emotion: Boredom

      • You are often bored because you don’t want to make the sacrifice that is necessary to serve others.

  • Approval (affirmation, love, relationship)

    • The price you are willing to pay: Less Independence

    • Greatest Fear: Rejection

    • People around you often feel: Smothered

      • Others feel smothered because you want more from them than what they can give.

    • Your problem emotion: Cowardice

      • You can’t speak the truth in love to others because you fear rejection.

  • Control (self-discipline, certainty, standards)

    • The price you are willing to pay: Loneliness and Spontaneity

    • Greatest Fear: Uncertainty

    • People around you often feel: Condemned

      • If they would only get their act together or have been better prepared that wouldn’t have happened to them.

      • This harshness and condemnation of others is why you often find yourself alone (lonely). 

    • Your problem emotion: Worry

      • Stuck in a vicious cycle of: worry – seeking greater control – fail – leading to more worry – seeking greater control…

  • Power (success, winning, influence)

    • The price you are willing to pay: Burdened and Over-Extended

      • You will take on whatever will gain you more power and influence, thus piling up burdens and responsibility. 

    • Greatest Fear: Humiliation

      • You cannot lose…you must win and be the best at everything!

    • People around you often feel: Used

      • You will instrumentalize and use people to accomplish your ends. 

    • Your problem emotion: Anger

      • When things don’t go your way you smolder or explode. You operate by, “Your kingdom come, your will be done…” 

“Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting!” -Psalm 139:23-24

Written by Matt Baker