Ghana, February 2025

A team will be going to Ghana in February (Feb.2-15) to visit with our missionaries Evans and Jeanette Walton and to conduct two pastor conferences in different regions of the country.  This team will include Brian Hammonds, Jonathan Mitchell, and Ken Rucker. 

 Columbia, March 2025

We're sending another team on an exploratory trip to Columbia in March in hopes of establishing a partnership with a Pillar church that would serve as a more accessible "first step" into missions for more of our members in the future. This team will include Josef Roberts and Ken Rucker.

Funding the Mission

We want all of our members to be able to participate in these trips because these are not just missions endeavors of those going, but they are missions efforts of our entire church.  So, we encourage you to participate in three ways:

  1. Pray - We will be sending out prayer updates via the Church Center App.  Please stay informed and be lifting up these prayer requests as you see the notifications pop up on your app.

  2. Give - We can all make sacrifices to help these trips be successful.  Those going are taking time away from work and family as well as raising funds outside the church.  The rest of us can help by giving to help offset costs.  Our goal for raising funds from the church is $4,000 by the end of January.  Will you prayerfully consider a generous contribution?  You can give via check or online.

  3. Donate items - We're compiling a list of items to bring to our missionaries (the Walton's), and will be putting this list out soon. Please be on the lookout for this and consider helping us collect these items to take with us.

Thank you in advance for participating in this effort to take the gospel to the ends of the earth.  Please contact Pastor Ken if you have any questions..