Suffering in the life of the Christian should produce a homesickness. Suffering reminds us that things are not as they should be and we are still awaiting Christ’s return. At the same time, this homesickness or longing for Christ’s return is the hope we cling to in the midst of suffering. Hope because current suffering is not all there is for the believer; Christ will set all things right. Below is a hymn from John Newton entitled, “Home in View” which speaks of keeping the end in sight.

As when the wary traveller gains
The height of some o’er-looking hill,
His heart revives, if cross the plains
He eyes his home, though distant still.

While he surveys the much-loved spot,
He slights the space that lies between;
His past fatigues are now forgot,
Because his journey’s end is seen.

Thus, when the Christian pilgrim views,
By faith, his mansion in the skies,
The sight his fainting strength renews,
And wings his speed to reach the prize:

The thought of home his spirit cheers,
No more he grieves for troubles past;
Nor any future trials fears,
So he may safe arrive at last.

‘Tis there, he says, I am to dwell
With Jesus, in the realms of day;
Then I shall bid my cares farewell,
And he will wipe my tears away.

Jesus, on thee our hope depends,
To lead us on to thine abode:
Assured our home will make amends
For all our toil while on the road. (pg. 738, The Works of John Newton Vol. 2)

“For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison…” -2 Corinthians 4:17

Written by Matt Baker