Today, in our Gospel Jump-Start post we will focus on some words from Tim Chester that remind us of the rich grace God extended to sinners at the cross. Christian, as you read his words be reminded that you don’t have to earn your salvation from God…be reminded that you can’t earn salvation. Therefore, as we begin a new week let us remember that we aren’t living in an effort to earn, but we are instead living this week out of the riches we have graciously been given in Christ. 

Tim Chester writes:

On the cross Jesus interposed himself. He stood in the way of God’s wrath. He took the full force of God’s judgement against sin. He absorbed the power of hell. So now nothing of God’s wrath gets through to us. In that act God justifies us, for our punishment is paid in full. And in that act God justifies himself, for there is punishment—the crime is not overlooked.

If God had simply declared us righteous, it would all be legal fiction. It would be a case of ‘Let’s pretend’. ‘Let’s pretend people are right when really they are wrong.’ We would be left with good reasons to suppose our salvation was a fiction, that we were not truly forgiven and not truly accepted by God. The verdict would be overturned on appeal. Because justice had not been done, the case would still be open. The threat of judgement would remain. But when God declares us right, even though we are wrong, he still acts rightly. Through the cross, we can be confident that we are right before him. (Crown of Thorns, pgs. 10-11)

“It was to show his righteousness at the present time, so that he might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.” –Romans 3:26

Written by Matt Baker