What is hope?

Typically when used today, the word hope means nothing more than wishful thinking. Examples of this would include, “I hope it doesn’t rain today” or “I hope my team wins tonight.”

In stark contrast is the Biblical meaning of hope. When the Bible speaks of hope it is speaking of the concrete certainty God’s people can have that He will make good on His promises. Paul, speaking of our future glory, in Romans 8 writes:

For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience. -Rom. 8:24-25

Our hope as Christians is in the fullness of redemption to come. What will this fullness include? The return of Christ and Him setting all things right. No more sin. No more death. No more sorrow. God dwelling with His people for eternity.

We have great hope! Therefore, our hope should orient our present in light of our future. This hope is what keeps us afloat in the midst of life’s storms. When I’m at the beach I like to watch the buoys placed just off the shore to direct all the recreational activities of banana boats and parasails. No matter how rough the waves become, those buoys dance on top of the churning waters. Yet, at the same time, because they are anchored, the buoys stay in place without drifting off into the chaotic sea.

Christian, our hope is like those buoys, both buoyant and anchored. Yes, the storms of this life are real, but because of our hope we can remain afloat and tethered. On our behalf, Christ has endured the ultimate storm of God’s wrath defeating sin and death in the process. If our hope is in Christ, then it is truly unsinkable! Christ’s victory in the ultimate storm gives us the hope we need to weather all lesser storms, no matter how severe. Let me end with this great reminder of our hope:

For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. -2 Cor. 4:17-18

Written by Matt Baker