Back in 2013, I heard a sermon by John Folmar on evangelism that is still impactful to me now. To this day, I still remember hearing Pastor Folmar say:

Before you talk to your friend about God, talk to God about your friend.

The sermon was on Colossians 4:2-6. Although it was preached at a conference on evangelism and primarily directed to pastors, I still think it would be fruitful for you to listen. His main two points are:

Speak to God about people. (prayer)

Speak to people about God. (evangelize)

Take time to listen. Iā€™m sure you will be encouraged, challenged, and equipped. May we at NewBranch often speak to God about people in prayer, and then speak to people about God in evangelism. And may it please the Lord to give fruit to our evangelism efforts!

Written by Matt Baker