During the month of October, our Gospel Jump-Start encouragement will come form Reformation figures. Today’s post comes from the Scottish Reformer, John Knox. In the final hours of his life, as Knox lay on his deathbed, he was in and out of consciousness and was heard groaning while in a restless sleep. When he had awakened, those who accompanied him asked what the cause of his groaning was. This was his reply:

I have indeed formerly sustained many contests in this frail life, and many assaults from Satan; but at this time that roaring lion hath most furiously attacked me and put forth all his strength, that he might devour and make an end of me at once. Often before hath he placed my sins before my eyes; often tempted me to despair; often endeavoured to entangle me with the allurements of the world; but these weapons, being broken by the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, he could accomplish nothing. But now he has attacked me in another way; for the cunning serpent has endeavoured to persuade me that I have merited heaven itself, and a blessed immortality by the faithful discharge of the ministerial office committed to me. But, blessed by God, who suggested to me those passages of Scripture by which I was able to grapple with him, and extinguish this fiery dart; among which were these: ‘What hast thou that thou hast not received?’; and, ‘By the grace of God I am what I am’; and, ‘Not I, but the grace of God in me.’ And thus vanquished, he went away; wherefore I give thanks to my God by Jesus Christ, who was pleased to grant me the victory… (as quoted in John Knox by John Murray, pg. 99)

The dying words of John Knox remind us well that we are saved by grace alone. As I read those words I’m reminded of Jerry Bridges’ statement: “On your worst days you are never beyond the reach of God’s grace and on your best days you are never beyond the need of God’s grace.” I hope this reminder brings you much encouragement and joy this week.

“For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” –Ephesians 2:8-9

Written by Matt Baker