Our Gospel Jump-Start post comes from Lady Jane Grey (1537 - 1554). Grey was a Protestant during the English Reformation and was known as the Nine Day Queen before she was martyred. Listen and be encouraged as she boldly stood for and clearly articulated the gospel before those who treated her. Here she clearly articulates a biblical understanding of salvation and good works: 

I affirm that faith only saves; but it is meet for a Christian to do good works, in token that he follows the steps of his Master, Christ, yet may we not say that we profit to our salvation; for when we have done all, we are unprofitable servants, and faith only in Christ’s blood saves us.

As she faced the prospect of execution she wrote to her sister:

Rejoice in Christ, as I do. Follow the steps of your master Christ, and take up your cross. Lay your sins on his back, and always embrace him. And as touching my death, rejoice as I do, good sister, that I shall be delivered of this corruption and put on incorruption. For I am assured, that I shall, for losing of a mortal life, win an immortal life.

Her faith remained in Christ until the end as evidenced by her final words:

I here die a true Christian woman and I trust to be saved by the blood of Christ, and by none other means.

As we begin a new week, let us be reminded that our salvation is in Christ and in Him alone. I hope this salvation that we have graciously received leads to good works in our lives as we follow Grey’s example and take up our crosses setting our hope on what is to come. 

Written by Matt Baker