During the month of October our Gospel Jump-Start posts are coming from various Reformation figures. Today’s post comes from John Calvin. Here are some words Calvin spoke in one of his final addresses about a month before he died. As his very full life came to an end, notice what he emphasized. Calvin stated:

I have no other defense or refuge for salvation than his gratuitous adoption on which alone my salvation depends. With my whole soul I embrace the mercy which he has exercised towards me through Jesus Christ, atoning for my sins with the merits of his death and passion, that in this way he might satisfy for all my crimes and faults, and blot them from his remembrance. 

I testify also and declare that I suppliantly beg of Him that he may be pleased so to wash and purify me in the blood which my Sovereign Redeemer has shed for the sins of the human race, that under his shadow I may be able to stand at the judgement seat. I likewise declare that, according to the measure of grace and goodness which the Lord hath employed toward me, I have endeavored, both in my sermons and also in my writings and commentaries, to preach His Word purely and chastely, and faithfully to interpret His sacred Scriptures. (quoted in Calvin on the Christian Life, pgs. 259-260)

As we sang together yesterday, “my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.” In these few words, Calvin displays well that our salvation is firmly rooted in God’s grace alone and it is out of that grace that we live to God’s glory and loving service to others. As we begin a new week, let’s remember God’s grace to us and seek to live out of that grace in the callings He has given each of us. 

Written by Matt Baker